Gratitude makes the journey better and so does kindness

Category: Kamloops Page 2 of 43

So…There is a breaking point

We have a hard time letting go of things, even when we know we ought to. Perhaps the reasons are not quite settled yet, from ideas into solid thoughts, but there is that nagging that we ought to let go.

Two recent happenings made me reflect much deeper on this.

Once upon a time, four plus dog went on a canoe adventure (Warning: Long read!)

My left heel still has a tinge of wild blueberry ‘blue’ from the day we portaged to Kidney Lake and found a big patch of them. It’s because my foot slipped off a log which I was balancing on while trying to reach the tasty little wild treats. I ended up with a strong case of purple heel which made my mother-in-law believe I was bleeding, an bad scenario while deep in the wilderness and out of reception.

We were on Turner Lakes chain canoe route in Tweedsmuir Park (one of the largest parks in Canada at 989,616 hectares!), having started our trek a few days before…

The ordinary is what counts. Here’s why

There is a small ant colony on our patio, cradled under a big square log. We were planning on cleaning it up. All it took was observing the ants for a good chunk of time one sunny midday. What first got my attention was a group of four carrying a dry piece of cedar. Yes, together like you and three buddies would. They took it all the way to the nest, deposited where they thought it would be most suitable and then took of in search of the next treasure.

It’s the small things

I bought four mugs at a thrift store yesterday. I am hardly the ‘I must have it if I see it’ type of person, but these were just right. The colour and shape and the way they felt when I picked one up. A mere $4.99 later, they came home with me and four of the ones we had for a while will go to a thrift store. Maybe they’ll become someone’s favourite mug, who knows.

Love changes the world – yes, really, and by a lot!

My (now) occasional columns are originally published on the Armchair Mayor News, this one included.

I saw the tiniest hummingbird the other day, while on the morning hike. No bigger than a (small) dandelion flower, it was hovering around a Saskatoon bush. I got home and promptly put up the red hummingbird feeder in the backyard.

Lessons on life, death and closure (when least expected)

It was a week ago that it happened. It was a windy day, so I tried to blame it on that, because we always try to bring sense and logic into the happenings that rattle us.

The loud bang was indeed rattling, more so in that early morning silence. The pup dashed in her safe spot in the bedroom, and I ran outside. It was a robin!! Of all things that could’ve happened, a robin hit the window.

About today and why what you do with it matters

The sun is shining, and spring is in the air. It’s beautiful and yet there’s the heaviness of the last few weeks… While fully aware of the privilege of being able to walk, breathe deeply, and recharge my reserves through a morning walk in the woods, or through writing and reading, I am perpetually humbled by the feeling of helplessness in dealing with the many big problems unfolding in the world.

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