Gratitude makes the journey better and so does kindness

Month: August 2010

Never Give Up

 My youngest son is four. And always looking for something spectacular to add to his games. The recycling bin is his latest treasure box and who can blame him really? A small piece of paper becomes a map and a jar could be anything from a spaceship to a dog house. A couple of days ago he picked a medicine container with a childproof cap. He asked me to open it, I said it can’t be done. Did I have a reason to say no? Not a solid one anyway. I just figured that opening a medicine container, even though empty might not be the right kind of thing to teach a four-year-old. Well, he insisted. And then insisted again. And I said it can’t be done, I showed him how it’s stuck. He spent another five minutes or so turning it upside down and sideways and then he came to me with his eyes beaming. “You have to push it down first!” he said with a victorious smile. Go figure!
He earned the container and some good old solid self-confidence I am sure. And he taught me three very important lessons:

1.    Never give up. No matter what others say, never give up if you believe it can be done.
2.    Some things may take time to figure out but perseverance pays off. Always.
3.    Assume nothing if you want to make things happen. That simple.

Children are amazing, aren’t they? We all were once, you know…

Who Else Can Hear Your Music?

I like writing. Quite obvious by now really. And while I did write for publications for a while and sent my work out confidently, it took a great leap of courage to write a blog. Because my thoughts were “what if people won’t like what I have to say?” and “what if my writing creates a stir I am not prepared for?”. So after a few “breathe in, breathe out” sessions and hearing some convincing arguments from people who were already out there, I did it. I jumped in with both feet. And I loved it! There was freedom and a yet unmatched exhilarating feeling. Lightness like I never felt before. I left my nagging thoughts behind, and promised to never let them in if they happen to visit again.

So I have my blog now. I write in it because I want to share the things I see and feel, and often times I want to acknowledge special people. I also write because I have questions. Sometimes the answers come as I write, many times they don’t. They hide in a place where they feed on past and present and grow strong enough to come out and show themselves when I least expect it. I had many “a-ha” moments since I started writing a blog. They are something you don’t want to miss, I promise. Now I know that by letting others hear my music I can actually hear it better too. Letting others hear this music, my music, is one of the most liberating things I’ve done lately. So if I create a stir, and hopefully I do, I can only hope it’ll be a good one. A worthy one. For you, the listener. No promises, though. except for one: I’ll keep it real.

So try it. Whether you write your thoughts in a blog or just share them as such with people around you, do it. Be real. Because this is as real as it gets. Rewarding and humbling at the same time in a very special way too.


You have a choice to smile or frown. I was reminded of choices today after I smiled at an elderly gentleman who was walking in the opposite direction. He smiled back and then he stopped to thank me for a nice smile that made his day, he said.

You have a choice in everything you do. You have a choice to wake up and put a smile on your face or you have the choice to start your day grumbling and expecting yet another Golgotha.

You have a choice to help someone, whether directly or indirectly, or you have the choice to turn a blind eye.

You have the choice to create change, whether in a small or big way, or you have the choice to leave this place as if you never existed.

You have the choice to act on your beliefs or grow frustrated over the years because you could’ve created opportunities to act on your beliefs and you didn’t.

You have a choice to choose the direction you want to go or let others choose that for you.

You have a choice to live fully or just be a spectator of your own life.

You have choices. Always. Just as long as you know…

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