Gratitude makes the journey better. Kindness, too.

Tag: self-improvement

Being Who I Am. The Guts!

Sasha walks to school with a fox fur wrapped around his neck if he feels like it. He likes that one, calls it Ferret. His outfits are often different and so are his ideas. He talks about going to Australia to see lizards and has a plethora of ideas that go from hanging out with Komodo dragons to living on a remote island like the Swiss family Robinson. That’s who he is and comfortable thank you very much.

Kids have that, they affirm themselves. If given enough room to grow and be themselves, they tell the world what they like, what they don’t, what they plan to grow up to be and they don’t think twice about wearing what they like, unless self-consciousness rears its ugly head and self-confidence pulls in much like a snail’s eye when you blow on it. So here I am asking you and asking myself too if we are who we really are. And if we are a certain kind, if we are ourselves, what’s wrong with that?

The other day my cast-less walking prompted some congratulatory remarks followed shortly by “Now you’ll be staying put for a while, and really why not be like the rest of us…” Not trying to act restless for the sake of it, truth is the six weeks of relative confinement have gnawed at my patience so I am more than eager to go out and move like I used to. Which is what I say to people if they ask. I want to do what makes me feel good and I missed. And then I get the “why can’t you be more like us” thing again. So I’ll say it straight up and I will do my best to raise my boys to say the same: I am who I am, and that could be different from what the next person is like. That’s how it should be.

If we’re different we can still learn from each other. Being the same, conforming so that one’s head does not raise the established baseline, that’s the beginning of blah. Nothing to learn, nothing to be inspired by, not to mention the lack of satisfaction born of not being who you really are. As long as I’m not hurting people with my actions or way of living, as long as I am myself because that’s fulfilling and makes me a better person, I’d say there’s nothing wrong being being myself. And there’s always room for improvement, it should be. I am a work in progress, inspired by others who dare to be themselves. Most will roll along with political correctness to not get in any trouble, others will adhere to what others want to hear of them. Like lukewarm water one could say. Not cold enough to quench your thirst but not hot either to leave a mark. I’d be inclined to say that we’re not meant to be lukewarm but become like that. I’d rather not. You?

I Got The Boot

It’s true, I did. The cast is gone, now I have a futuristic boot hugging my lower leg. I can take it off if I need too but I was advised not to.
The doctor said I will not be able to run for the next few months. I can will be able to walk, bike and swim though. He seem to not hear my question about the duathlon in March, or maybe he dislikes saying no. After that I did not dare about skiing, he looked like he had a long day and I did not want to sound spoiled. After three long hours of waiting I had become rather cheeky and truth be told, this state of semi-immobilization is driving me slightly nuts even in a regular setting, let alone the hospital.

But here’s the thing: it seems to be the general consensus that I should slow down, that the broken ankle is the sign with big shiny letters that I should heed. I had one of my students come and say that I move too much for someone whose bones are in distress. My sister said the same thing. Pretty much everyone else who knows me. As I was pondering over this on my way to the elevator after being equipped with the boot I almost missed the very thing so I rushed to get in. The elderly guy smiled and asked “Some broken bone?” I nodded and smiled. He then said without an ounce of malice and in a way that pushed my train of thoughts down a conspiracy theory chute “Maybe this means that you should slow down.” I laughed out loud and told him he should get in line, it’s the phrase du jour in my inner circles. “Maybe they have a point. Here, let me get the door for you.” Yes, maybe they have a point.

Now I’ll rest like my life depended on it. Well, in a way one could say it almost does. If I get too slow though make sure to let me know.

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