Gratitude makes the journey better. Kindness, too.

Fiction Story. A Contest. I’m In – No Fiction

“Some days you’re the dog, some days you’re the hydrant.” Anonymous

Definitely the dog today. It went like this: I once wrote a story. Can’t divulge the theme because you might like to go in fresh. I liked it but since I am at times rather overcritical with my own writing outcomes… well, you get the idea. Stored it for later, which later might never come. I took it out a couple of times just to blow off the pixel dust and ponder on its worthiness. And then one sunny day I felt gutsy enough to send it out. To a contest. The email that took my breath away today announced just that. That they like my story enough to make it a qualified entry. So I am in. Heart rate went up, I bounced a good bounce. You could say I don’t need much to be happy. True enough.

People like you will cast their vote on the stories and someone will win. Good then. Somehow I feel like that is not of importance now. Not being meek. It’s the fact that I’m in, you see, that counts. The confirmation that someone else other my dear close ones who do not want to hurt my feelings when I ask for their opinion on my writing, someone who does not know me personally, said yeah, we like your story.

So if you have the time, please read, criticize, shake your head if you must, and if you like it, say that you do at the end where you’ll find a little button with a star next to it. If you don’t like it, worry not, I’ll keep at it and maybe one day I’ll get a nod from you too. Either way, the journey is well worth it.


Gripless in Vancouver


Simple Things To Remember


  1. Laura

    I’ve just read your story. I really like it. It was such a surprise at the end of it. A chess game never crossed my mind during the story. Very creative and entertaining!
    Have a good day! 🙂

    • Hello my darling, thank you for reading and liking my story :-). Glad I could surprise you with the ending, always a good thing to hear that. Have an awesome day yourself! Hugs.

  2. Buster Brown

    Great! Nicely done Daniela!

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